When it comes to staining a project there are many colors to choose from. But not every color is pre-made. In fact many colors out side the brown/black shades aren't pre-made. But making homemade dye stain is fairly easy and quick to do. If fact it is pretty cheap as well. So when it comes to that next project that you want a splash of color in, follow this technique and you will be glad you did.
what do you need?
foam brushes
food coloring (any liquid food coloring will work)
1 tablespoon measuring spoon
stir stick
paper towels
disposable gloves
rubbing alcohol
glass or plastic container (rubbing alcohol will eat through paper cups)
step 1
place 1 table spoon of rubbing alcohol inside your container. If you need more then keep adding by the tablespoon.
step 2
For every 1 tables spoon of rubbing alcohol you need to add 10-15 drops of liquid food coloring to the jar. Then stir until the food coloring is mixed.
Step 3
Using a foam brush apply as many coats as desired to the get shade and color you want. You should be able to apply 3-5 coats an hour as alcohol evaporates fairly quickly.
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